Il Movimento Tradizionale Romano – M.T.R. è stato invitato a partecipare all’Assemblea del Congresso Europeo delle Religioni Etniche E.C.E.R che si tiene a Vilnius, in Lituania, dall’8 al 10 luglio 2014.
L’E.C.E.R. è l’unico organismo sovranazionale di raccordo delle diverse ed accreditate rappresentanze delle religioni pagane europee, di cui il M.T.R. è terminale italiano.
La delegazione è composta dal presidente del movimento Daniele Liotta, dal vice Guglielmo Giovannelli Marconi e da Anna Lucarelli. Dal 2005 è la quarta volta che il M.T.R. partecipa agli appuntamenti/congressi annuali dell’organismo (già W.C.E.R.), tenutisi in Grecia, in Lettonia ed in Polonia.
Di seguito il programma dell’evento, dall’evocativo titolo “Madre Terra uniscici”, che dedica per la prima volta una giornata anche ad un incontro “politico” con i rappresentanti del Parlamento lituano.
Conference of European Congress of Ethnic Religions (ECER )
July 8 – 11, Vilnius (Lithuania)
July 8, Verkiai Palace (Žaliųjų ežerų str. 49)
9:30 Registration of the participants
10:00 – 11:30 Opening of Conference and Open circle discussion
Welcoming speeches by Inija Trinkuniene and Andras Corban
Interactive presentations of each participating organization in Open circle discussion
11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00 Screening and discussion R. Balkute, N. Laurinkiene movie Premier “Rye Harvest and Relicts of Rituals Dedicated to Mother Earth in Lithuanian Village.”
Screening of a movie on Gaya: Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaya
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 17:00 Continuation of Open circle discussion
17:00 Ritual folk group Kulgrinda and kankles player Z. Trinkunaite performance
18:00 Opening ritual in the park
19:00 Dinner
July 9, Lithuanian Parliament (Gedimino ave. 53) Building III
10:30 Press Conference (Press conference hall Building II, 2nd floor)
11:00 Welcoming speeches by the members of Lithuanian Parliament in the Conference Hall Building III, 2nd floor)
11:10 Presentations by the Conference speakers
„Indians“ of Old Europe: The European Ethnic Religions in the Context of Indigenous Traditions“ by Mr. Andras Corban, United States of America
“Romuva Path“ by Ms. Inija Trinkūnienė, Lithuania
11:50 Coffee break
12:00 Presentations by the Conference speakers (continued)
„Ancient Baltic Faith Community in Contemporary Lithuania: Between Historical Memory and Status of Religious Minority“ by Assoc. prof. dr. Milda Ališauskienė, Lithuania
„Reclaiming the True European Identity“ by Mr. Vlasis Rasias, Greece
“Likely common origins of pré-christian religions and the importances of oral transmission in that respect” by Mr. Georges Val, France
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Presentations by the Conference speakers (continued)
“Our Local Spiritual Folklore – the True Frames of The Future Human Civilization” by Mr. Øyvind Arnesen Siljeholm, Norway
„The God and the Earth“ by Dr. Dainius Razauskas , Lithuania
“The Attempts to Save the Pre-Christian, Culture in the Eastern Europe During the first Centuries of the Christianization” by Ms. Sofia Kukure, Ukraine
15:00 Coffee break
15:10 Presentations by the Conference speakers (continued)
„Activities of Latvian Dievturi community during XXI century of globalization“ by Mr. Andrejs Broks, Latvia
„Falcon, Swan and Horse: The Germanic Traditions of the Low Countries Belgians“ by Mr. Alexander Demoor, Belgium
„Post-folklore: a tribute to tradition, the present and future“ by Mr. Ugnius Lioge
16:00 Break
17:00 Excursion in pagan places of Vilnius
19:00 Ritual at Ragutis offering stone
19:30 Free evening
July 10, Vilnius – Dvarciskiai – Moletai – Vilnius
9:00-22:00 Excursion. Going to Romuva temple in Dvarciskiai as well as to Kulionys, where Mr. Jonas Vaiskunas will introduce to the ancient calendar and we will discuss about developing action plan to realize the goals and the mission of the ECER.
Leaving from: LEU Guest House
A.Vivulskio g. 36, Naujamiestis, LT-03114 Vilnius
July 11, Vilnius, Dukstos, Kernave, Trakai
10:00-17:00 Visiting ancient capital cities of Pagan Lithuania. Ritual on Karmazinai sacred hill
Leaving from: LEU Guest House
A.Vivulskio g. 36, Naujamiestis, LT-03114 Vilnius
18:00 dinner at “Leiciai” in Vilnius. Adress: Stiklių g. 4, Vilnius